Our services

Lectures and workshops around work & education 4.0

Education is THE issue in the 21st century. And modern working and learning on or with the web has long been our focus. Now both meet together!

We’ve been on the social networks for more than a decade – as we all know, that’s where the real informal learning networking of today takes place. You only understand station? What do social networks have in common with modern education and training, political or economic future of companies?

If you personally, as a company, region or institution, want to stay on the ball in the face of rapid changes and current developments, you should learn to understand the digital connections. And social networks are elementary drivers of this revolution, as they are highly attractive to very many people. Closing our eyes further will not help us. The developments from other regions are already spilling over us. It is high time to move in order to draw adequate consequences and readjust!


You don’t really understand the connections yet? Or the implications for your facility or region? Or you personally understand it, but your colleagues don’t see it yet?

You can book Anja for an impulse lecture or a discussion.


Or you are already one step further and need an introduction to modern social media concepts for the purpose of knowledge management or to support your performance or collaboration?

For example, you can book Nicole for a workshop with online parts.

Conception & Consulting

Educational User Experience is increasingly part of the brand building of companies and regions. Only those who create contemporary framework conditions for work and further education are attractive to modern people.


You have recognized the signs of the times and want to take off professionally? We help you! How?

We develop customized, digitally supported “learning” and working environments for you, depending on your industry or company needs.

  • Many still call such environments “e-learning.” That’s okay, too, if it’s really still about classic knowledge transfer.
  • Some also call it “social learning.” This rather means a joint knowledge management approach – i.e. sharing important information and existing know-how within the team or network.
  • Or some refer to them as “enterprise social networks.” This is the more technological approach, through which the previous two are then realized with – if it goes well …

We design, advise, help implement and introduce you to the use of social media and the development of collaborative processes.

  • An institution today is a breathing organism.
  • Ideally, the joint work results in a variety of impulses that can be sent to the outside world in order to strengthen the network or to find new employees.
  • We can create such processes and bring them to life. Tailored to the conditions in your institution.

We accompany you in the production of contemporary multimedia educational offerings (from A for offerings to M for MOOCs to Z for zoom video conferencing).

  • We traditionally always use the latest technologies to keep us up to date.
  • With these technologies and adequate processes, the interfaces between internal and external can be optimally managed. Today, networking represents the central core of modern education and training – which then pulsates internally as well as externally.
  • If you want to create modern educational opportunities, we are happy to think along with you and actively contribute our know-how and skills.

In other words

We help you to build online environments as well as to further develop them in the age of digital transformation. Our focus is always: efficient and effective work and education!

Take a look at our Flow Consulting respectively our offer for contemporary concepts.

High-Quality Content

Well-aggregated content with a solid background is an art and expertise that few have mastered. This requires a qualitative, interdisciplinary network, which we have. We are a central network node at the interface of work and education 4.0.

We offer

  • Corporate Magazine as
  • Blog article
  • E-books
  • Ghostwriting
  • Visual content (audio, video, graphics)
  • and much more …

Our advantage: We see ourselves as a decentralized network organization. Our network is diverse at the intersections of education, culture, politics and media. We like to work multimedia. We like to work in a team. And we have good publishing routines in the meantime through our in-house self-publishing company
FrolleinFlow House

Exclusive: Rent our minds!

You can rent our heads for limited periods of time. You describe your challenge to us – and we will contribute our know-how in the best possible way within the desired time frame. We will then coordinate the concrete setting with you in detail after your booking.

Coordination processes, travel, preparation and follow-up are also paid working time!

Beratungsleistung durch FrolleinFlow

Ihr wollt eine erste Kurzberatung für eure Arbeit einkaufen? Das Angebot umfasst ca. eine erste halbe Arbeitsstunde, inklusive 19% Mehrwertsteuer. Hinterlasst uns bei der Paypal-Buchung eine Nachricht, wie wir mit euch in Kontakt kommen können. Wir melden uns umgehend. DANKE! Ach, ihr wünscht eine umfangreichere Beratung? Meldet euch über unsere Kontakt-Seite. Wir finden eine Lösung!


New: EdTech Check

You have an idea for the booming education market and need feedback? You can book us bindingly for this.

A) For 1,000€ we give you a rough personal assessment of your idea or approach from a market perspective on a one-pager. This assessment is for internal purposes only.

B) For 2.500€ we give you a more detailed assessment of the need, the meaningfulness and the sustainability of your approach from a market perspective. This assessment is for internal purposes only.

For another 1.000€ we derive from the analysis A) or B) submit a blog post and post it on our FlowCampus blog plus. of our social media channels. We say our actual opinion in it – like a wine taster. It’s our reputation that hangs on it.

In principle, you cannot buy a testimonial from us. If we say something about it publicly, it can be referred to. Otherwise just not.

EdTech-Check durch FrolleinFlow

Bitte wählt euer Paket über die Anzahl der gebuchten Menge. Die Preise verstehen sich inklusive 19% Mehrwertsteuer. Wir melden uns umgehend. Hinterlasst uns bitte eine Nachricht, wie wir mit euch in Kontakt kommen können. DANKE!
